Holiday Food and Essentials Distribution
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Event Description
Several organizations have partnered to support the Greater Lansing Community by providing food and essential items this holiday season. Giveaways will include food boxes (both fresh and non-perishables), essentials items (socks, soap, washcloths, toothbrushes), and household goodies. There are also festival holiday gift bags - one for each family while they last. FREE.
Setting: In-Person
Contact Person
Lansing Community Catalyst
(phone: 517-235-6340)
Food Distribution
Eastside Fish Fry
2417 E. Kalamazoo St., Lansing

Winter Coats & Gear
Transformation GEMS
3333 S. Pennsylvania Ave., Lansing
Event Documents/Images

Holiday Food and Essentials Distribution

return to Capital Area Health Alliance