10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Event Description
Geographic Member/Other Cost: $50
Full/CE Member Cost: $25 They say that there are certain things in life that are inevitable - death, taxes, and….conflict. The thought of conflict and confrontation can cause our stomachs to knot and our hands to perspire, but it doesn’t have to. In fact, when handled well, conflict can actually be worthwhile and beneficial to an organization, sparking creativity and leading to personal growth. Location
Via Adobe Connect Contact Person
Melissa Lattanzi
(phone: 330-655-0531) Details
In this webinar, you will learn about the different types of conflict that can occur within a library setting, as well as which conflict management styles yield the most effective results. Certain scenarios will be outlined that will teach participants about the individual approaches to handling conflict.
Are you ready to become a “conflict competent leader?” Join us! Participants will learn:
Presenter: Leah Plocharczyk Leah is the Assistant Director of Florida Atlantic University’s (FAU) John D. MacArthur Campus Library in Jupiter, FL. She has worked as an academic librarian for seven years and has been a supervisor for the last four years. She graduated from the Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute in 2009, where she learned many valuable lessons about leadership. Recently she participated in FAU’s Faculty Owl Leadership program where she mentored students on how to become better leaders in their academic careers, in their personal lives, and for their communities. Tell a Friend
Event Documents/Images
Let’s Use Conflict to Our Advantage! Tackling Conflict Head On!! E-Learning |