A Day for Circulation Staff: Change is All Around Us--Avon Lake
11/15/2017 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM Eastern
Event Registration
This class was a popular class and it is full. Please email Melissa Lattanzi, lattanzm@neo-rls.org to be put on a waiting list and an additional class may be added for the future.
Change is inevitable, especially in libraries. We have seen many changes in the last 20 years. This year’s “Day for Circulation Staff” will focus on change; the change in customers and their expectations, the change in technology and the changing role of circulation.
We will start the morning with Andrea Egan, youth services assistant from the Geauga County Public Library talking about the welcoming library and how we must treat all of our customers the same and ways in which we are able to surprise and delight them.
Joe Taylor, Head of Circulation for Grafton-Midview, will discuss the many changes in technology and how, as circulation staff, you must be adaptable and able to cope with all of the changes.
Leslie Davenport, Circulation Services Manager for Wayne County Public Library, will share the new and exciting roles that she and her circulation staff have taken on and look at other opportunities for circulation staff.
Lastly, we will have a conversation about taking care of yourself in times of change. As always we will have time for some roundtable discussion. Don’t miss this opportunity to network with your peers.
Avon Lake Public Library 32649 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake, OH 4401
There is an additional $15 surcharge for facility use and amenities. We encourage you to register a minimum of three (3) days in advance for this event in order to ensure that we can accommodate your full participation in terms of seating, hand-outs, food, etc. It’s never too late to save your library money. NEO Memberships are pro-rated! Call us today to join.
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