little girl with dandelion
Illinois Head Start Association - Event Information

Event Name:
[January 16, 2024] Statewide Directors Meeting

This gathering of HS/EHS Directors meetings is an essential event where we can come together to connect, reflect, learn, and build. It's not just about education or networking; it's a powerful platform for problem-solving and creating value that you can directly apply within your own agencies.

Building strength through unity! This is dedicated to providing Directors with a safe environment to share and learn together. This is the resource for Head Start and Early Head Start leadership!

The Directors meeting meets every 3rd Thursday at 10:00 am each month to discuss relevant topics for Head Start and Early Head Start. We also ask questions and brainstorm ideas via email listserv on a regular basis.


Event Date:
01/16/2025 - 01/16/2025

Event Time:
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Central


Event Registration:

Outlook/ vCalendar/ Google:
Click on the icon next to the date(s) to add to your calendar:
01/16/2025 - 01/16/2025