ARS Members Gather 'Round the Table

On August 27th, ARS hosted a virtual round table for chapter reps. Twenty-three representatives of chapters across the nation from New York City to San Francisco met, in many cases for the first time, to see how chapters are faring in a barely post-pandemic era and trade advice on moving forward.

COVID was foremost on everyone’s mind, with reps recounting how their chapters have weathered the past two years, as well as sharing methodologies for getting back into the swing of hosting meetings. Tech-savvy chapters have ventured into the world of hybrid meetings with great success, while others opted to head all the way back to ‘before’ and meet in person. It wasn’t surprising that most reported a decrease in membership but the prevailing mood was encouraging and reps seemed hopeful that their chapters will rebound.

The meeting provided a wonderful opportunity to share standard operating procedures and representatives were eager to hear about community outreach, dues, and payments for session leaders. There was general confusion concerning best practices for sharing music and it was agreed that representatives needed and wanted more information about copyright infringement.

The next Round Table discussion is scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd at 2 pm. Announcements and invites are posted on the ARS Rep Chat Message Board, to which any chapter/consort/recorder orchestra leader may subscribe (contact Phil Hollar at with questions). All reps are welcome! Join the chat and add your voice! 

Submitted by ARS Board member Natalie Lebert, chapter representative for the New York Recorder Guild in New York City, NY. 


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