ARS Annual (Virtual) Meeting Held on Oct. 15

Information shared by ARS Board President Carol Mishler:
Key Accomplishments for the Past Year (2021-22)
  1. Continued offering new programs begun during the pandemic
  2. Launched a virtual chapter (North American Virtual Recorder Society/NAVRS)
  3. Resumed in-person grants
  4. Improved communication among ARS chapters
  5. Improved vehicles of communication aimed at our members
  6. Made progress on our effort for diversity, equity and inclusion

Key Strategic Initiatives and Plans (2022-23)
  1. Improve member benefits, engagement and retention
  2. Maintain a fundraising program encompassing internal and external donors
  3. Develop a Comprehensive Communication Plan
  4. Award Scholarships and Grants
  5. Continue work on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Financial Picture


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