Traveling Teacher Program Going Strong in Maine
Group leader Dorothy Beeuwkes reports from Mercer, Maine on the most recent visit from Traveling Teacher Larry Zukof:

...Thank you to the ARS for our last TTP workshop on Oct. 14 and 15 (2022), in Mercer, Maine. It was, as always, a weekend packed full with early music and camaraderie!

Really, from 9 in the morning till lunch and again from lunch till supper, each of the 2 days was packed full.  

The first day, Friday, a big storm was raging outside, which made for a coziness inside. But, one of the participants could not come because of a downed tree in his driveway which knocked the power out! We also lost power but only for a little while, requiring us to find our music stand lights. Friday was a day for just recorders and we played pieces by Sermisy, Bertali, Boismortier, to name a few. The next day, Saturday, after the storm, the somewhat larger ensemble was mixed with local string players and singers. We sat in a wide circle in our Mercer Community Center and played some lovely pieces by Brade, Telemann, Arcadelt and Lassus. It makes such a difference to play under the auspices of a coach! We all love and respect Larry.  Actually, Larry and Pam (and Dolce) have become good friends of us and every workshop participant! However, we all sadly felt  the absence of one participant who was not well. 

Our next workshop will probably be around May 19 and 20.

With many thanks for making this workshop possible, giving such pleasure and encouragement to a (growing) group of musicians in Maine!

With sincere thanks, speaking for everyone,

For more information on the Traveling Teacher Program (TTP), please see our TTP page


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