Tomorrow the House Insurance Committee will hear testimony on HB 4612 – the auto no-fault bill.
To prepare for tomorrow we are asking to have folks present to fill out cards even if they do not wish to speak. The hearing will begin at 10:30 am and last until noon at which time the members of the committee will report to their session. Once the session is over, the committee will reconvene and, according to sources, last into the evening if necessary to take testimony.
Rep. Lund plans to take as much public testimony on Thursday as there are people to testify. We anticipate that Chairman Lund will start the hearing by having Commissioner Clinton come forward and explain the various components of the bill and take Q & A. There will undoubtedly be a long list of business groups, along with the insurance coalition’s members willing to testify as well. CPAN, MBIPC and others are working on a lineup of key speakers from our side.