Don't Be Fooled by Insurance Industry's Latest Attempts to Mislead the Public
Many CPAN members have likely seen messages distributed by an organization calling themselves "Stop Overcharging." This group claims to be upset about hospital billing rates, but the information provided is extremely misleading. Here are three things everyone should know about this campaign:
1) Don't be fooled! Auto insurance companies are ultimately behind this campaign - using misleading information as a way to pressure lawmakers into accepting draconian cuts to auto no-fault insurance benefits.
2) By LAW, Michigan hospitals must charge everyone the SAME RATE, but they must accept lower payment from certain payers (like Medicaid, for example). This law is where differences in charges come from.
3) Fact: Michigan hospital charges for inpatient procedures ranks the 9th LOWEST out of all 50 states [source: CMS Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MEDPAR)].
Please keep this information in mind when you see these insurance industry attacks.