After barely 72 hours of consideration, the Michigan Senate, on April 16, 2015, passed SB 248. The Insurance Committee of the Michigan House of Representatives amended SB 248 and voted SB 248(H-3) out of committee on April 30, 2015. SB 248 (H-3) (hereinafter “the Bill”) is now pending in the House of Representatives. The Bill would: (1) significantly reduce reimbursements to medical providers; (2) substantially limit attendant care benefits to catastrophically injured patients who are cared for at home; (3) create a new catastrophic claims commission for accidents occurring after the effective date of the legislation; (4) create a new insurance fraud authority; and (5) adopt a new test to determine if insurance premiums are excessive. CPAN believes the Bill is seriously flawed, will create great instability in the Michigan auto no-fault system, impair patient access to medical care, seriously reduce revenue to the Michigan health care industry, result in a significant loss of jobs, and completely fail to reduce auto insurance premiums for the majority of Michigan citizens. The highlights of the Bill are summarized is this document.