CPAN – Coalition Protecting Auto No Fault
CPAN Testifies to End Wrongful Denial Insurance Practices


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                     CONTACT: Michael Dabbs
July 15, 2009                                                                                                                                                             CPAN Spokesperson
                                                                                                                                                                                     (810) 229-5880
CPAN Testifies to End Wrongful Denial Insurance Practices
LANSING, Mich.— Coalition Protecting Auto No-fault (CPAN) representatives, including medical providers and consumer protection organizations, joined accident victims and insurance industry whistle blowers to testify in support of legislation that would crack down on the wrongful denial of claims by insurance companies. 
“Policyholders faithfully pay their premiums so that, in the case of a serious accident, they can receive the care needed to make a full recovery,” said Mike Dabbs, president of the Brain Injury Association of Michigan and spokesperson for CPAN. “Unfortunately, deny, delay and defend is the mantra of the insurance industry. As a result, policyholders with legitimate injuries are forced to fight tooth and nail for the claims they are entitled.”
The legislation, modeled after laws in 46 other states, consists of a 12-bill package including House Bills 4844,4244,4846,5020, and House Bills 5144 – 5151.   
“When consumers falsely submit claims it’s called fraud,” said Dabbs. “But when insurance companies deny legitimate claims, it’s just common practice. This legislation – which is similar to laws in 46 other states – will ensure that both consumers and insurance companies are equally protected against fraudulent practices.”


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