Americans with Disabilities Act Changes in Effect
Americans with Disabilities Act Changes in Effect

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law by President George Bush in July, 1990. This landmark legislation prohibits discrimination on the basis of a disability. Title III of the ADA requires that commercial facilities that are open to the public (including lodging properties) allow individuals with disabilities to participate equally in the goods and services they offer. Title III mandates modifications in policies, practices, and procedures; the provision of auxiliary aids and services; the provision of accessible transportation services when transportation services are offered; and the removal of architectural and communication barriers. Other titles of the ADA deal with employment, public services and telecommunications.

AH&LA’s members have spent billions of dollars since 1990 making their facilities accessible to individuals with disabilities in compliance with the ADA.  They have done so not only because it is the law but because their mission is to make every guest feel comfortable and welcome.

Long awaited changes to the Accessibility Guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act were recently issued mandating numerous changes on lodging requirements under the ADA. Most of the changes will not apply to the lodging industry until 2012, but some hotels may need to review current compliance to determine if changes are necessary immediately.  By March 15, 2012, most owners and operators will have to retrofit existing pools and spas with a pool lift or some other means of accessible entry, unless they lack the financial resources or physical space to do so.
ADA Title III Final Rule Highlights

New ADA Regulations for Pools and Spas Defined
ADA Title III Pool Regulations


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