The Facts about Bed Bug Infestation
The hotel industry takes the health and safety of their guests very seriously, and that includes ensuring pest-control procedures are in place to prevent and eradicate any pests, including bedbugs, that might seek to invade their properties. Although bedbugs can be easily transmitted anywhere and are often wedged in luggage or on clothing, AH&LA and the hotel industry cannot underscore enough the industry’s focus on the importance of cleanliness and its high level of vigilance in using proactive measures and services, including regular inspections and monitoring, in order to detect any potential problems early. AH&LA continues to work closely with the National Pest Management Association to retain the latest information on bedbugs and to share updates and resources to our members. 

For further information contact the NPMA. NPMA also sells a host of resources to assist in your efforts.

Bed Bugs Tools & Resources   

The Facts on Bed Bugs
According to the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), Bed bugs have become a major pest control concern as their populations have continued to rise over the last decade.

Bed Bugs: What Are They? 
A Quick History of Bed Bugs 
Bed Bug Prevention
When staying at a hotel or motel, keep these bed bug travel tips in mind. It is important that you take some precautions to ensure that your room is bed-bug free before you settle in. 

Tips for Travelers 
Tips for Hotel Staff
The best prevention is daily inspection.  Employees should inspect rooms for bed bug activity every day by inspecting:  Staff should be looking not only for live insects, but also for cast skins or speckles of dried blood or excrement on furniture or in places where bed bugs hide.

Close attention to cleaning guestrooms should be paid by vacuuming rooms and accessories daily; inspecting incoming furniture and wall hangings that may have been stored or warehoused; and inspecting and repair loose wallpaper and cracks in baseboards to reduce areas where bed bugs can settle.

*Information provided by the National Pest Management Association, Inc. Please visit their website at for more information.


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