Urge Congress to Act on Zika Threat
Urge Congress to Act on Zika Threat

As you have all been reading in the news recently, there is growing concern about the threat posed by the Zika virus. With new cases in Miami leading experts to believe that the Zika virus can now be found in mosquitos within the United States, we believe it's time for Congress to act. AH&LA has been closely monitoring developments and remains in close contact with health and government officials and we've developed materials and resources that you can access to learn more here. At the same time, to ensure that the U.S. public health and economy is protected, we ask that you spend a few minutes sending a letter to your elected officials.  

We need your help today to urge Congress to act and address the growing Zika threat, which is not only a concern across our country, but also in our industry. Earlier this summer, Congress considered funding to prevent the spread of the virus, support the acceleration of research, and encourage the creation of vaccines as well as advanced approaches to mosquito control. Each chamber passed a measure to address the problem, but unfortunately they failed to send any bill to the President to sign before August recess. The Senate's version approved $1.1 billion, and the House approved roughly $600 million with money being taken from ongoing Ebola initiatives, both below the President's request of $1.9 billion in funding.  

By clicking here, you will urge your members of Congress to provide the necessary funding to address the Zika virus now. Inaction is unacceptable. Add your voice to ours and send a letter today.


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