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resep masakan indonesia
Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association

Educational Research & Development Journal



Volume 23 Number 1, 2020

Co-Editors-in-Chief: Jian Wang and Fanni Coward, Texas Tech University
Editorial Review Board

Qiang (Andy) Cheng, University of Mississippi
Su Gao, University of Central Florida
Linnie Greenlees, Texas Tech University
Ithel Jones, Forida State University
Mihwa Park, Texas Tech University
Heejin Son, Texas Tech University
Betsy Ng, National Institute of Education, Singapore
Jianlan Wang, Texas Tech University
Minju Yi, Texas Tech University
Shaoan Zhang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Table of Contents

Notes from the Editors-in-Chief PDF 
Jian Wang, Fanni Coward
Instruction on the English Tense System through Systemic Theoretical Instruction and Cognitive Grammar PDF 
Chi Wui Ng
Hong Kong Teacher Perceptions of U.S. Culture and Education: A Case Study to Prepare for a Collaboration PDF 
Chiu-Yin (Cathy) Wong, Kathryn Lubniewski
Autonomy Support and Academic Stress: a Relationship Mediated by Self-regulated Learning and Mastery Goal Orientation PDF 
Jiali Zheng, Ning Jiang, Jingtong Dou
Case of Obtaining Permission for Data Collection in Turkey within the Context of Academic Freedom and Ethics PDF 
Idris Sahin, Fatma Kesik

ISSN: 1526-8659