Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagement
Project/Committee Details
Service Enterprise: Training & Implementation Partners
Service Enterprise Hubs deliver the Service Enterprise Program, taking organizations through training and a change management program, empowering them to effectively and efficiently leverage all of their human capital (staff and volunteers alike) to deliver their social mission. To learn how your organization can become a hub email
Primary Contact:
Kayla Paulson
Contact Phone:
Project/Committee Member Information
Kayla Paulson
Amazing Nonprofit
Hub Fake Service Enterprise
Tim Adkins
Hands On Atlanta
Mackenzie Albrecht
Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement
Claire Arnold
Hands On Atlanta
Dr. Robert Ashcraft
ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Innovation
Doug Bolton
Cinncinnati Cares
Michelle Carlstedt
Mentor Kansas
Dr. Sue Carter Kahl
Sue Carter Kahl Consulting
Adrienne Clark
The Volunteer Center of Greater Durham
Cindy Colson
The Path Foundation
Maryalice Crofton
Volunteer Maine
Holly Daniels
Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement
Kathy Davis
Hands on NWNC
Vanessa Diamond
Hands On Greater Richmond
Sara Dowdle
Hands On Atlanta
Rosie Drumgoole
Chicago Cares
Michelle Francesconi
Volunteer Center of South Jersey
Amanda Gamble
Mayor's Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service
Kelly Groen
Spark the Change Colorado
Lisl Hacker
Massachusetts Service Alliance
Gretchen Jordan
Association of Leaders in Volunteer Engagemnt
Ann Lassiter
The Volunteer Center of Greater Durham
Traci Lato-Smith
Lynn Lauritzen
Path Foundation
Jillian Lopez
Mayor's Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service
Amy Lytle
Hands On NWNC
Christina Mastroianni
Hands On Greater Richmond
Leah Metz
Melanie Moline
The Path Foundation
Katelyn Noble
Megan Pearson
Ms. Amy Pinger
Harvesters - The Community Food Network
Ms. Sue Prochazka
United Way of the Great River Region
Ellen Raymer
Chicago Cares
Michelle Raymer
Volunteer Iowa
Polly Roach
MAVA (Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement)
Deise Rodrigues
Mayor's Office of Civic Engagement and Volunteer Service
Jenna Ruttkay
Cinncinnati Cares
Kim Shaw
Triangle NonProfit & Volunteer Leadership Center
Beth Steinhorn
VQ Volunteer Strategies
Anna Sunstrom
Volunteer Managers of Central Iowa
Mike Sweeney
The Volunteer Center of Greater Durham
Barbara Thomas
The Triangle Nonprofit & Volunteer Leadership Center
Kelsey Umthun Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
Mrs. Lauren Finke Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
Volunteer Center of Cedar Valley
Mr Christopher Woods
Pam Zeutenhorst