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The IMPACT of Improper Bloodstain Pattern Identification & Interpretation
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
Event Description

How confident are you in your ability to utilize information from bloodstains patterns appropriately? Inaccuracies in bloodstain pattern identification could lead to misinterpretation of sequence of events, nature of the crime, point of origin, etc.

In this webinar, we will review current bloodstain pattern terminology, pattern identification, and pattern sequencing. We’ll also look at case reviews on improper bloodstain pattern analysis and their outcomes.

This webinar is being brought to you via an exciting new collaboration between Gap Science and Sievers Forensics! Keep your eyes peeled for more of our collaborations in the near future.

The Impact of Improper Bloodstain Pattern Identification and Interpretation webinar is intended for those who:

  • Want to increase their confidence in their ability to properly analyze bloodstains they observe on crime scenes
  • Want to make sure they are up to date on the most current bloodstain pattern terminology
  • Want to ensure they are not misinterpreting stains, patterns and the sequence of events
  • Are responsible for documenting bloodstains in any capacity during criminal investigations
  • Are involved in any capacity in the investigations of crimes that involve bloodstains
Setting: Live Virtual
Demio Webinar Platform
Contact Person
Gap Science
(phone: 407-538-0104)

Instructor: Dr. Heidi Sievers

Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024

Times: 12:00pm - 3:00pm EDT

Location: Wherever you can login! 

Tuition Cost: $150.00

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