Brain Basics for Sensory Processing in IDD
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Eastern
Event Description
Presenter: Cameron Jeter, Ph.D.

Many individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have deficits in sensory processing. This webinar will explore how specific brain areas are responsible for specific sensory processes and discuss how they underpin the sensory deficits seen in adults with IDD.

Observable behaviors often indicate discomfort with the physical environment and unfamiliar interactions. These behavioral symptoms are often expressed in atypical and uncommon ways in people with IDD. Recognizing and addressing sensory processing deficits is essential for promoting positive interactions and overall wellbeing in individuals with IDD.

Cameron Jeter: Dr. Cameron Jeter holds a PhD in neuroscience, with specific training in clinical and translational research. She works to improve access to healthcare for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). At Kansas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Jeter teaches in the Integrated Biomedical Sciences track.

In addition to her position at Kansas College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Jeter is an adjunct faculty member at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. She is the recipient of multiple awards, including the Dean's Excellence Award in three areas: the Scholarship of Teaching, the Scholarship of Application, and the Scholarship of Integration. Dr. Jeter lectures nationally on how understanding the brain's control of thought and behavior can improve academic and clinical performance.

Dr. Jeter is also involved in the NTG's five-year project in Texas (funding provided by a grant to the University of Texas at Houston Health Science Centers by the Texas Council on Developmental Disabilities) providing education and training on aging, intellectual disabilities, and dementia to disability service providers across the state. Dr. Jeter is also an NTG Affiliated Regional Trainer.

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