Webcast 1. Stormwater Technology Innovation – Design Trends and Peformance Verification
1/15/2025 - 1/15/2025
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description


Greg Williams

The Latest in Trash Capture and Gravity Settling

Both ASTM standard E3332 and the STEPP program are new tools for anyone planning to install trash capture devices.  Together they provide verified performance data that can greatly aid the decision-making process.  While ASTM E3332 was published in 2022, the first results from an E3332 test will be published at the beginning of 2025.  This presentation will discuss the test results, what lessons were learned during testing and how all this information can be used by stormwater managers.  A brief description of the STEPP program will be included.
Part two of the presentation will focus on advances in hydrodynamic separators (HDS).  There will be a high-level discussion of how HDS work followed by a look at the devices most recently approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP).  The link between changes in the NJDEP test protocol and the latest in HDS design will be explored.
Douglas Howie

Determining the treatment capabilities of Manufactured Treatment Devices

The Washington State Department of Ecology created the Technology Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) program in the late 1990 to evaluate the treatment capabilities of Manufactured Treatment Devices (MTDs) in the field for TSS, dissolved Cu and Zn, and Total Phosphorus. Since that time the protocols have undergone several updates including one in 2024. The latest update includes requirements for monitoring devices in operation for maintenance longevity. This presentation will discuss the history and status of the TAPE program, including a description of the new maintenance analysis, and touch on the proposed national evaluation program known as Stormwater Technology Evaluation for Products and Practices (STEPP).
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