Join the NEDA Know How moderators as they chat with Jenny of Grey Mare MagnaWave different forms of PEMF, what it does for your horse, how it works, and when it is most (and least) effective.
Jenny Cournoyer is the owner of Grey Mare Magna Wave, a traveling Pulsed Electromagnetic Field service using the highest output MagnaWave PEMF devices available. Grey Mare Magna Wave has been in business for six years and serves the entire New England area, including monthly visits to Wellington and Ocala throughout the winter. Their three employees enable them to be very flexible with scheduling and availability. Other services offered are kinesiology taping, medical grade cold laser, and fascial blading. They are certified (MagnaWave, Association of PEMF Practitioners, and Sozo Equine), licensed, and insured. They work closely with several area veterinarians/ farriers/chiropractors/ bodyworkers to formulate session plans ideal for your horse’s specific needs.
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