Confined Spaces - United Rentals
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Mountain
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Calendar Events
Event Description
Learn why OSHA spent 7-years investigating confined space accidents under the old 1910 General Industry Confined Space Standard and introduced the new 1926 Sub Part AA Confined Space for Construction in 2016. We'll learn what practices and procedures municipalities need to follow to protect employees and your legal responsibilities when you have a general contractor or sub-contractor doing work for your district.

Water Treatment 0.6
Wastewater Treatment  0.6
Industrial Wastewater Treatment .0.6
Water Distribution  0.6
Wastewater Collection 0.6

Setting: In-Person
Santa Rita Water Reclamation Facility
105 S. Camino del Rio
Durango, CO 81303

click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
Tim Plata
(phone: 17195659618)
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