Room and Board Training: For Residential Habilitation & Life Sharing Professionals
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern
Event Description
The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) is excited to announce the upcoming release of the Room & Board bulletin. We anticipate the release in March 2025. ODP extends gratitude to all stakeholders who participated in the development of the bulletin. Please join us for a training opportunity, targeted towards professionals, Residential Habilitation and Life Sharing providers.
The main training topic areas include:
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The main training topic areas include:
- The intent of Room and Board;
- An explanation of Room and Board policies and regulations;
- An explanation of how the policies should be implemented; and
- An overview of the attachments to the bulletin.
- Room & Board ODP Contacts
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