Room and Board Training: For Residential Habilitation & Life Sharing Professionals
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Eastern
Event Description
The Office of Developmental Programs’ (ODP) is excited to announce the upcoming release of the Room & Board bulletin. We anticipate the release in March 2025. ODP extends gratitude to all stakeholders who participated in the development of the bulletin. Please join us for a training opportunity, targeted towards professionals, Residential Habilitation and Life Sharing providers.
The main training topic areas include:
  • The intent of Room and Board;
  • An explanation of Room and Board policies and regulations;
  • An explanation of how the policies should be implemented; and
  • An overview of the attachments to the bulletin.
  • Room & Board ODP Contacts
There will be time during the session for presenters to answer questions submitted by participants during the webinar. For this reason, ODP asks that stakeholders please save questions on the bulletin until after the training is held. During the training, ODP will also address how additional questions not covered can be emailed to the appropriate contact person. ODP appreciates everyone’s continued patience and enthusiasm to learn about this subject.

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