3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern
Understanding how to identify and serve veterans and their caregivers should be an important component of systems that serve older adults and people with disabilities. The number of veterans needing long-term services and supports is predicted to double to 4 million over the next decade and the Aging Network can do more to help. For example, veterans and their caregivers are often not identified when first accessing services through Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) or other community-based organizations and therefore not connected to dedicated veterans' services that may be better equipped to serve them. The result is duplication of service and lost opportunity to serve those in need. Cover to Cover (C2C) is an exemplary model that bridges knowledge gaps about military culture, VA eligibility, and enrollment by providing training and education to agency staff on VA benefits and procedures. C2C is active at eight Utah AAAs and conducts training in four other states. Jen Morgan leads the program and will be joining ADvancing States to share how states, AAAs, and I&R/A professionals can benefit by learning how to identify, inform, and connect veterans and their families. Please join us to learn more! Pre-registration is required for this webinar. Space is limited so make sure to register as soon as possible.
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