DRIE Toronto - Event Information

Event Name:
DRIE-SWO 2019 Fall Symposium and AGM

Join DRIE South West Ontario on  Wednesday, October 9, 2019  for the DRIE-SWO Fall Symposium and AGM.  The event sponsor is yet to be named.

The theme for this symposium is "How to Develop a Powerful Crisis Management Program".  The keynote presentation will be a workshop led by Regina Phelps, President, Emergency Management & Safety Solutions, on building a crisis management program that delivers in crisis. Regina is an internationally-recognized expert in the field of crisis management, exercise design, business continuity and pandemic planning. 

Doors open at 8:30 am, the symposium starts at 9:00 am with the AGM.  We will wrap-up the day at approximately 3:00 pm. A continental breakfast, light lunch and refreshments at the breaks will be provided.
Location: Communitech
151 Charles Street
Kitchener, ON 

Registration ends on October 6, 2019

DRIE-SWO 2017 Fall Symposium

Event Date:

Event Time:
8:30 AM

151 Charles Street
Kitchener, ON,

click here for Google Maps
click here for Mapquest

Event Registration: