ISGlobal International PhD Fellowships Programme in Global Health 2025: 10 PhD scholarships available!

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ISGlobal International PhD Fellowships Programme in Global Health 2025: 10 PhD scholarships available!

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The ISGlobal PhD Programme brings together doctoral candidates from different health fields, and universities, to enjoy the added benefits of developing transdisciplinary research at our Institute.

Thanks to the Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence Accreditation, in this call we offer up to 10 fellowships for national and international PhD students, who wish to undertake rigorous research training and complete a research project in the field of global health and population studies to make new contributions to the existing knowledge base.

Apply now to kick-start your scientific career at ISGlobal!

Select the research proposal you are interested in from the list of research proposals provided at the end of this call, section \"PhD Research Proposals (10 PhD proposals)\".

Eligibility Criteria

ISGlobal will recruit prospective doctoral candidates of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in Global Health.

Candidates can be of any nationality
Candidates must have obtained a University Degree and a Master’s Degree in biomedicine, epidemiology, computer sciences, environmental sciences, biostatistics, or a related discipline within the European Higher Education Area (minimum 300 ECTS - European Credit Transfer System, of which at least 60 are at master’s level), or an equivalent University Degree that allows to start a PhD thesis in Spain by the fellowship starting date
NOTE: each candidate will be assessed for eligibility on individual basis by the corresponding PhD programme following University admission criteria; each candidate will need to be admitted to a University PhD Programme by the fellowship starting date – University PhD programme admission will be managed after completion of the selection process

Candidates must demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to pursuing a scientific research career with an interest in global health and population studies
Candidates must have good command of English
Candidates already holding a PhD are not eligible
Candidates beneficiary of a PhD Fellowship by the Spanish Government are not eligible
Candidates must not have held a PhD contract exceeding twelve months by the fellowship starting date. The months in which the candidate has enjoyed a predoctoral contract will be discounted.

How to Apply

Applicants must fill in the request form and attach the following documents:

Curriculum vitae in English including the name of two reference contacts that could be contacted by ISGlobal during the selection process
Motivation letter in English (1-page MAX, A4, Arial, size 11, single space), justifying the interest and suitability for the selected research proposal (see section “PhD Research Proposals (10 PhD proposals)” below).
A scan of the student’s academic transcripts (degree and masters), showing grades obtained. If the academic transcripts are not in Catalan, Spanish or English, applicants should also attach a translation in one of the above-mentioned languages, and the grading system should be explained.
Please note that all documents must be in pdf format and each submitted document must be named as: CandidateSurname_CandidateName_filetype (e.g. Smith_John_cv, Smith_John_letter). Candidates must ensure that all required information is submitted before the application deadline of 01 March 2025. Incomplete proposals will not be considered.


Number of offered PhD fellowships: 10.
These fellowships are funded through the ISGlobal Centre of Excellence Severo Ochoa grant (CEX2023-0001290-S) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Spanish Research State Agency (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).

PhD fellowships conditions
Duration (years) 4 years max: Expected remuneration* (annual gross salary) Y1-Y2 = 20.400€; Y3-Y4 = 24.350€
Expected starting date: Sept-Dec 2025
Dedication: Full time
Additional contribution: 6.860€

Selection Process and Selection Criteria

All applications are reviewed by an ad hoc Internal Committee, with representative of Principal Investigators at ISGlobal with no conflict of interest.

Candidates are selected on the basis of academic excellence, performance in research, adequacy of candidate’s experience to the selected research proposal, and a commitment to pursuing a scientific research career with an interest in global health and population studies (see detailed selection criteria and subcriteria below). A good command of English is requested.

Selection criteria and subcriteria: 100 points in total

Criterion 1. Candidate’s academic and/or scientific-technical background (up to 50 points).

Subcriterion 1.a): Scientific and technical contributions (up to 45 points). The academic and other curricular merits of the candidate will be assessed, as well their suitability for the duties to be performed in the doctoral study.
Subcriterion 1.b): Mobility and internationalization (up to 5 points). The relevance and impact of the candidate\'s stays in national and international centres and/or in the industrial sector on his/her research career will be assessed, taking into account the prestige of the institution hosting the stay and the activity carried out there.
Criterion 2. Adequacy of candidate’s experience to the research activities to be conducted in the doctoral study (up to 50 points). The suitability of the candidate for the research activities to be carried out in the framework of the selected PhD research proposal will be assessed, on the basis of the candidate’s previous training and experience. For this, it will be taken into account the added value that carrying out the research activities will bring to the candidate’s career, as well as the added value the candidate will bring to the Centre and to the host research team.

Short-listed candidates will be invited for an online interview.

Selected candidates will be notified shortly after the interview period.

Applicants who have not been successful but have received a positive evaluation will be put on a waiting list to cover possible renunciations and for future positions.

Key Dates

Call opening: 30 January 2025

Call deadline: 1 March 2025, 17.00 CET

Notification to candidates: 30 April - 15 May 2025 approx.


For any additional information, please contact

PhD Research Proposals (10 PhD proposals)

Please find the list of PhD research proposals HERE.

Select the research proposal you are interested in.

Should you wish to know more about a research proposal, you can contact the corresponding Supervisor/Co-Supervisor.

Full text of the PhD call. (

ISGlobal will recruit prospective doctoral candidates of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in Global Health.

- Candidates can be of any nationality
- Candidates must have obtained a University Degree and a Master’s Degree in biomedicine, epidemiology, computer sciences, environmental sciences, biostatistics, or a related discipline within the European Higher Education Area (minimum 300 ECTS - European Credit Transfer System, of which at least 60 are at master’s level), or an equivalent University Degree that allows to start a PhD thesis in Spain by the fellowship starting date
NOTE: each candidate will be assessed for eligibility on individual basis by the corresponding PhD programme following University admission criteria; each candidate will need to be admitted to a University PhD Programme by the fellowship starting date – University PhD programme admission will be managed after completion of the selection process

- Candidates must demonstrate academic excellence and a commitment to pursuing a scientific research career with an interest in global health and population studies
- Candidates must have good command of English
- Candidates already holding a PhD are not eligible
- Candidates beneficiary of a PhD Fellowship by the Spanish Government are not eligible
- Candidates must not have held a PhD contract exceeding twelve months by the fellowship starting date. The months in which the candidate has enjoyed a predoctoral contract will be discounted.

Silvano Marsili

Rosello 132
Rosello 171

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