August 2022 General Membership Meeting Minutes
General Membership meeting, GCBA, August 12, 2022
In attendance: Kim Dold, Scott Archer, Joe Bartley, Jackie Perrydore, Sharon Hassett,Jeff King, Natalie Thurmond, Mike Lawrence, Adele Fant, Shannon Coffey, Claudia Bellew,, Brandy Overholt
Meeting is being sponsored by Garden City Dental - thank you for the goodies
Call to order at 9:09 am
New member this month - Pop a Card in your Yard
Shannon from NotaryBabeShan is attending her first meeting today
Motion to approve July’s minutes: Joe Bartley 1st, Sharon Hassett 2nd - all approved
Treasurer's report 13125.90, 473.12 income, 2931.04 expenses $10667.98 closing balance
As always, Joe Bartley said whoever wants to look at bank statements, he will make them available to them at any time.
Presidents report: Music in the Park was another huge success. Next event is August 18, American Ages Band. We will be collecting food for the pantry as usual, and school supplies for Rotary.
Kim Dold is giving us an update on what’s happening downtown:
Downtown Park Development proposal: DDA is looking to have a park on the southeast corner of Ford/Middlebelt, where the Chili Cookoff and Lucky Squirrel is located, still allowing for these events to take place.
Public hearing in September to approve the plan to go forward
Copies of the proposal can be found here:
The DDA offers business owners several options for facade improvements - grants, and low interest loans, as well as offering to pay up to $4000 to our approved architect to draw up plans for improvement.
Russell design was at the July music in the park to show the plans and get community input. There is a survey you can complete to let the DDA know what our residents want to see in the downtown area.
Success of this project will mean more foot traffic in the downtown area, which brings more customers to our local businesses and hopefully brings in more businesses that want to be in the downtown area.
How is this project funded? DDAs are funded through Tax Increment Funding, Wayne County millages, their funds do not come out of our residents taxes.
The next phase will be to have meetings with the businesses located in that corner, and with elected officials. Hopefully by next spring they can start the project.
Downtown news: LA Fitness has pulled out of the project at the old KMart site, and has put the property back up for sale. All the property owned by Orin Mazzoni at Ford/Middlebelt is also for sale.
Vacancy right now is under 8%
Old Business:
MITP is August 18, 6-9pm. We moved our shop & play area in July and most people liked the new setup. Still doing raffle baskets, if anyone is willing to donate.
Anyone wanting to help out, please meet us at the park around 3:00pm
734-718-6228 Jackie’s cell phone - if you want her to come and pick up a basket or if you would like more bizbee bags to deliver.
Bizbee bags - we would love for everyone to take 2 to deliver to a local business. So far we’ve delivered about 120 bags.
Trunk or Treat - save the date October 27 at Radcliff
Website - we had training at our last board meeting and learned about a lot of great features.
We will participate in the Santaland parade, as always we will welcome any volunteers.
GC Dental - they are currently under construction and have been closed for a couple weeks. All new dental equipment. They are running a backpack promotion - any child that comes in for a checkup will receive a free backpack. They will do a grand re-opening soon, and will schedule it with the DDA and let us know when so we can all attend.
Shaklee - has a peach mango powder that goes in water and includes all your daily vitamins.
We asked Shannon from NotaryBabeShan - mobile notary service, how she heard about the GCBA and she was referred by Kerry with GC Community Chat.
College socks - buy one get one for 30% off at Carrot Stick Sports
Adjourn 10:36 am