A new membership year ‘Kicks Off’ for Impact100 Greater Milwaukee!
Over 100 Impact100 members, friends, sponsors, and nonprofit partners celebrated our annual Membership Kickoff to the new Impact100 year on Tuesday, September 13th, at the Wisconsin City Club. The highlight was hearing from our 2021 Impact grantees NAMI Southeastern WI and Lighthouse Youth Center about what their $100,000 award has allowed them to do-thanks to the collective giving power of Impact100 members.
Watch that night’s excitement here and also Lighthouse Youth Center’s video message here!
See more event photos here.
Above: Stacy Scheffer, 2022-23 Impact100 President, welcomes KO guests.
Below: Mary Maden, Executive Director from NAMI SE Wisconsin, highlights what 2021 Impact100 grant dollars have supported around Crisis Intervention Training for area law enforcement departments.
Thank you to our event sponsors!!
Member Spotlight
Meet Beth Kumer
A friend invited Beth Kumer to an Impact100 membership gathering in her home. She had never heard of the organization before, loved what she heard and signed up that night. This is Beth’s fourth year of membership. During that time, she has served on the Welcome Committee (greeting new members and helping them get involved), served on two grant committees, was Grant Chair of the Arts & Culture committee, and this year, is Grant Co-Director.
“What I value about Impact100 is being able to combine my donation with others and to have a say in where the donations go,” says Beth. “I am so proud to be part of a group that donates money to truly make a transformational change in our community. I have particularly enjoyed learning more about two of our grantee organizations—The Lighthouse Youth Project and Teens Grow Greens—that make positive impacts in the lives of our youth.”
Beth encourages other women to join Impact100 and tells them that no experience is necessary…everyone can bring their point-of-view to the table and be heard. She thinks joining a grant committee is a great way to volunteer, meet other women and share your talents.
“The women of Impact100 are phenomenal—so intelligent, insightful and interesting. I really enjoy meeting so many welcoming women from all over the Milwaukee area and making a difference through shared giving,” she says.
Beth is originally from Pennsylvania, has lived in six different states and England. She began her career in sales and marketing and says her current title is “Retired Stay-at-home Mom.” She is married to Ken and they have three daughters and a goldendoodle. She loves to read, travel and explore new places and restaurants. Her perfect day would include warm sun on her face, nothing on her to-do list, good food, good wine, and friends and family filling her home.
Members of the Impact100 Greater Milwaukee Lawn Bowling Team!!
Amy collects the bowls at the completion
of the ‘Ends!”
Membership News:
Impact100 Members are “bowled” over!!
Over 30 Impact 100 Greater Milwaukee and guests met at Milwaukee Lawn Bowling at Lake Park in August for a summer evening of ‘tossing’ and socializing.
The lawn bowlers teamed up on the “green.” Each player tossed their “bowls” with hopes to get closest to the “jack.” The group played several “ends” and had a great time. Many decided this is their game and are looking forward to playing again soon!
Everyone enjoyed having fun and learning something new together. Impact100 President Stacy Scheffer and Membership Director Karin Gale offered an update on what’s new at Impact100 this year. Members Ann Pierson and Meg Boyle shared energetic presentations on the importance of renewing and joining NOW!
The member engagement committee hopes to see many members at future events.
A summer evening of lawn bowling with Impact100!
Grants News:
In Search Of: Great Grant Candidates
As many of you recognize, our grant process is the backbone of everything we do. Our Letter of Inquiry is now available for all eligible nonprofits.
The most significant change to the grant process this year is the expansion of the financial criteria. Last year, nonprofits needed to have annual revenue between $300,000 and $5 million to apply. This year, the revenue was expanded to between $300,000 and $7 million…so more nonprofits may be eligible!
Here's a quick timeline of the grant process:
- Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) are now available online.
- Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2022, virtual Information Session to learn about our grant application process: Register now!
- After October 11th, 2022, Information Session recording available on Impact100 website
- Tuesday, December 6th at noon: LOIs due
- Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at noon: Full proposals due
- March/April 2023: Site Visits completed
- May: Finalists selected
- Tuesday, June 6, 2023: Annual Awards Celebration
Get Involved:
Here are ways for Impact members to help with the grant process:
• Pass on this grant Information Session info to nonprofits that may be interested in applying for a grant.
• Sign up to serve on a grant committee. Sign up begins January 5th! Watch for details!
Many members say serving on a grant committee is one of the most insightful, interesting, and inspiring volunteer opportunities they’ve ever had!
Looking Ahead:
You won’t want to miss these upcoming events!
Grant Information Session – A virtual opportunity for anyone, especially nonprofits, to learn about our grant application process! Tuesday, October 11th, 2022, at 10 am. Share this info with your favorite nonprofits!
Global Day of Impact – Learn more about and celebrate the impact of collective giving Thursday, November 3, 2022. Luncheon at the Red Circle Inn, N44 W33013 Watertown Plank Road, Nashotah.
Helping Hands – Thursday, December 1, 2022, evening holiday social and 2022 Grantee progress updates, at the Wisconsin City Club, Milwaukee.
Grant Committee Sign up – Watch for emails regarding grant committee sign up January 5-13, 2023.
Annual Awards Celebration - And be sure to mark your calendar for the AAC on June 6th, 2023, at the Brookfield Conference Center, as we celebrate the 2023 Grant recipients!
Global Day of Impact:
Did you know? As an Impact100 Greater Milwaukee member you are part of a worldwide phenomenon!?
There are more than 60 Impact100 chapters worldwide that pool their giving into transformational grants that fund local nonprofits annually!
Join us for lunch on Thursday, November 3, 2022, for the second annual Global Day of Impact, as we celebrate with Impact100s worldwide:
- $2.4 million in grants awarded to 31 nonprofits in seven years by the members of Impact100 Greater Milwaukee!
- Entering our eighth year of impactful collective giving, learning, and supporting of Milwaukee communities! Join us or renew NOW!
- 21 years and over $100 million awarded by Impact100 chapters around the world. Be a part of this global movement!
Our program this year features a panel discussion on “Challenges Facing Public Health in the Greater Milwaukee community.” Public Health representatives from urban and suburban Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington, and Ozaukee counties will share perspectives, county demographics, top priorities, and how the nonprofit sector collaborates and engages with Public Health.
Don’t miss this informative discussion!
Thursday, November 3, 2022
11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. CDT
11:00-11:45 a.m. Social with passed appetizers & cash bar
11:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Lunch served
12:15-1:30 p.m. Panel discussion with Q & A
Red Circle Inn
N44 W33013 Watertown Plank Road, Nashotah
Large surface lot, complimentary parking
Tickets are $30. Assigned seating at tables of 8
Please register by Thursday, October 20, 2022
Want to have more impact? Sponsor a ticket for a local nonprofit to attend! Or host a table!
More members = More Impact!!
Help us grow our Impact! Forward to a friend or colleague!