September General Membership Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2022
In attendance: Jackie Perrydore, Sharon Hassett, Elaine Salter, Mike Walker, Joe Bartley, Shannon Coffey, Kim Dold, Natalie Thurmond, Brandy Overholt, Scott Archer
Call to order: 9:15 am
Welcome to the September GCBA General Membership Meeting
New Member this month Guiding Light Home Care, 29217 Ford Road
Approval of August minutes: Motion to accept minutes - Joe Bartley, Sharon Hassett 2nd
Treasurer's Report: beginning balance $10667.98, Expenses: $1687.37, Income $400.00, final balance $9380.61
President's Report - MITP went really well. American Ages Band was really great, and well received by the crowd. We will more than likely invite them back.
Old Business - MITP wrap up. Total income was $8685, expenses $3544.09, total income of $5140.91. The funds to towards leaving our dues at the low rate of $35.00 annually, plus pays for our website and insurance. We can’t thank our sponsors enough for their contributions to our events. Financial statements are available for anyone who would like to view them.
Shop and play feedback - mixed feelings - some said they thought it was a good starting point and hope it will improve over time.
Bizbee membership drive is ongoing and just a reminder to support local business and be kind. Please let us know if you would like to deliver a bag or several. Any member that delivers a bag can also include their own business info. Brandy has deliverd quite a lot of the bags and said everyone she has visited has been really nice and appreciative. 123 bags have been delivered so far.
New business:
Trunk or Treat
Santaland Parade - we will be participating with a vehicle. Bizbee will be walking. We would love members to join us. We would like walkers to pass out candy etc to the kids on the side of the road - no throwing of candy allowed.
Kim Dold has a bunch of Shop Small swag that she is willing to allow the GCBA to use for our parade decorations.
Elections 2023 : Mike Walker
Mike is helping setup our ballots for 2023. VP, Secretary and 2 Trustee positions are up for re-election. Nominations start today. Email Joe Bartley or Jackie Perrydore (Treasurer or President). Paper nominations will be collected by Sharon Hassett. Anyone nominated will have until November 5 to accept or refuse the nomination. The November 11 meeting will be the last day to ask questions of the candidates before voting.
Annual GCBA Audit: Mike Walker completed the audit and determined our records are complete and accurate. Please see Mike if you have any questions.
We will be adjusting the by-laws to tighten up our rules and regulations that are more appropriate for our organization.
Scott Archer created a questionairre to find out more about our businesses. Results will be posted as a blog on our website.
Any member is welcome to post a blog on our website. Please submit your submission to any GCBA board member, and we will review it and post if approved.
Please let us know if you have not received your login information. All members should have received a welcome notice and login information so you can access your own information and edit as needed. Check your spam folders!
Member spotlight: Brandy Overholt from Public Service CU / Ford & Middlebelt. They are promoting their CD (Certificate of Deposit). Natalie Thurmond from Shaklee is promoting her new product of the month - self care for the body. It’s a cleanser, lotion 734-664-4945
Liberty tax is having their annual tax school starting October 10. 734-425-4620
Kim Dold DDA has some events coming. Sept 17 is the Lucky Squirrel, it’s completely sold out this month. October 8 is the Chili cookoff. Lots of volunteer opportunities. The volunteer is paid $10 per hour, to be donated to the charity of your choice.
Kiwanis will be holding their annual pig race on April 15 2023. Held at St Thomas the Apostle (formerly St Raphael). Lots of businesses participate. $100 to sponsor a pig.
D&D Executive Transportation is back in the GCBA after having to step back during the pandemic. If you’re looking for car services, limousine services, etc, please give them a call 734-397-3741
Next meeting 10/14/22 at 9:00am Straight Farmhouse
Adjourn 10:25 am