- Mayor Patrick McNulty pulled item 6.9 regarding authorization for the City to hold a public workshop regarding the Chapter 18 Golf Cart Ordinance.
District Director J.D. Keys, for U.S. Rep. Mayra Flores, introduced himself to the Council, announcing the location of the Brownsville office. Keys encouraged the public to reach out to their office as they are helping individuals with casework, the Internal Revenue Service, (IRS), Social Security, and the Veterans Affairs (VA).
- McNulty announced a proclamation for Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness month.
- Shoreline Director Kristina Boburka announced the closing of the grant project for the dune restoration project. Boburka also updated the success of dune restorations after tropical storms and hurricanes.
Regular Agenda
What happened: A motion to authorize the city manager to execute the agreement with the trainer Network, LLC., for grant administrator services and Landry Architects, LLC., which are both related to the development of the South Padre Island Historical Museum.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Dennis Franke, President of the South Padre Island Historical Foundation, updated the Council that they are hiring an architecture engineer and a grant administrator, which is required.
Mayor McNulty clarified that the Economic Development Administration (EDA) reimburses the City.
What happened: A motion to approve the order of cancellation for the Nov. 8, 2022, general election.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: McNulty clarified the City will still have its Special Election on Nov. 8 for Place 4.
What happened: Public Works Assistant Director John Wilson updated the Council on the Laguna Boulevard project and added the department's next steps in Phase 2 are to put in a limestone base and installing street curbs.
Why it matters: The PW Department is facing unexpected difficulties outside of plans but will continue to press on with Phase 3, (Esperanza St. to Retama St.).
What now: The next step for the project is the underground construction of the Entertainment District, which is projected to start during the off-peak season.
What happened: A motion made to authorize the City to hold a workshop with stakeholders, (Short-Term Rentals), and added (I) as noise.
Why it matters: McNulty clarified that the stakeholders and individuals are welcome.
Topics of discussion:
Creation of a license – fee $400/annual.
- Removal of a registration fee.
- Fines for violation.
- Signage.
- Fire marshal or building inspections,
manager/owner response time.
- Suspension of a license.
- Wedding/special events restriction parking.
- Noise. (Added by Councilman Joseph Ricco)
What now: McNulty admitted the City needs to use response time, (F.), to lessen its load. Manager/Owner response time is in City Ordinance, and is not enforced.