October General Membership Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2022
In attendance:
Joe Bartley, Sharon Hassett, Elaine Salter, Mike Lawrence, Mike Walker, Jackie Perrydore, Scott Archer, Kim Dold, Shannon Coffey, Cheryl (Fudgey Grandma’s coffee)
Call to order 9:08 am
Welcome new members or guests: Cheryl McIntosh from Fudgey Grandma’s coffee
New members not in attendance: All Phases Ceilings & Construction, Mutual Realty
Mike Lawrence Mike Walker approved minutes. Minutes accepted
Treasures report beginning balance $9380.61, $451 income, $1078.37 expenses / bulk of that is our liability insurance of $995. Ending balance $8653.24. As always, Joe is willing to share all statements to anyone is asked
President's report. We mailed out invoices to anyone that hasn’t renewed. Please let us know if your email addresses are accurate so we or you can update the website
Jackie stopped in at State Farm for their 30 year anniversary, and at the new Furniture store at the old CVS Ford/Brandt. She said they have a lot of very nice and unique stock of furniture - very nice people.
Old Business:
Elections - we are currently in our nomination phase for 2023, We’re taking nominations for Secretary & VP as well as 2 trustee positions. The last day to nominate is 10/28. Please email Joe at gcbatreasure1@gmail.com or gcbapres@gmail.com to nominate someone. You can also call Joe, Jackie, or Sharon to let them know who you want to nominate if you don’t want to email
Nominations will be compiled November 5. Nov 11 anyone nominated may speak on their own behalf if wanted. The voting will start immediately after the meeting and end December 2. Joe Jackie & Sharon will tally the votes and the new board will be announced at our Holiday Mixer December 7.
Bizzbee/Membership - we’ve had several new members since its inception. 143 bags delivered so far. Please consider taking 2 bags after the meeting, and include your own swag in the bag if you want to.
Trunk or Treat updates - Kim D suggested we print flyers to distribute to the elementary schools
Candy has been dropped off at Carrot Sticks, DDA, and the Farmhouse
Parade - we are signed up for a vehicle,which we will decorate with shop small swag. We’re asking for volunteers to walk the route with Bizzbee. Kim Dold supplied us with all the shop small materials. Volunteers volunteers volunteers!
Questionnaire/Blog - Blogs we can do on our website, it’s important to have new content to keep it fresh. Scott is posting 5 questions and answers will be posted. We will send them out to the membership and as soon as they are received, Scott will begin posting them on the website. The more traffic on the site, the more information we can disperse to our members and community - bring in more business. This will allow all of us to have an actual connection to each other. Photos should be sent using png or jpeg.
New business - We will have a Holiday Mixer on December 7, Sports Venue. Food / door prizes, games, beverages. RSVP please - we will send out invites to all members. 5-8pm
Multi Chamber after hours event hosted by the Westland Chamber Nov 14, Knights of Columbus in Wayne, 5:00 - 7:00. Light snacks, cash bar
Member spotlight - Mike Walker, starting tomorrow annual enrollment for medicare - please check with Mike, he offers many plans. October 15 - December 7 for a January effective date. December 1 starts open enrollment for healthcare - please see Mike about plans available. All services are available under Liberty Tax / Pryde Financial
New businesses coming - pharmacy & a jerky place. Old Moose building is making progress. It will be a food court, the other half will be a multi entertainment area - fitness equipment and Virtual Reality games. The Chili cookoff was a success - thanks to all you who volunteered. Kim is retiring soon, so this was her last cookoff.
Nov 11 is Veterans day and there will be a ceremony at 11:00 am at O’Leary Auditorium
Joe - before our next meeting will be election day. Joe is encouraging everyone to do their research and vote accordingly.
Facebook page - we all need to help each other out by sharing and liking each other’s facebook posts. Let one of the board members know if you have something special coming up and we will post it on our GCBA page.
Sharon - The police and fire departments are having a food drive for the GC HOME Pantry. There are boxes in the police department to donate non-perishable food to help out our local residents. All food donated goes to local GC families. Meals on Wheels is in desperate need for volunteers to pack and disperse meals to homebound seniors. Meals on Wheels is at Maplewood.
Farmhouse has lots of events coming up. Straightfarmhouse.org
Carrot Sticks sports is having a sale on MLB mugs, bottle openers, shot glasses. 10% off
D&D Transportation is booking for 2023 now and filling up quickly.
Please check in with Jackie for bizzbee bags to distribute.
Adjourn 10:00 am