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It's no secret that age only goes in one direction. You never get younger. Now, when it comes to things you can control, there are ways you can fight back. Did you know that once you reach the age of 50, different systems in your body begin weakening and slowing down? This is natural and happens to everyone, but there are simple practices that you can do to prevent the snowball effect.
After the age of 50, it is normal to have natural body deterioration. Your bones will naturally start losing density. Your cardiovascular system suffers, because it works a little harder to pump blood through stiffening vessels and arteries. Your memory can also be affected by having a harder time remembering faces and names. It may sound unpleasant, but there are a couple of daily things you can do to develop a routine that will help you keep your body and mind healthy as long as possible.
Healthy eating. Having a good diversity of healthy foods can be a huge factor in making sure your body is always running as intended. The body runs best when fed an adequate number of vegetables, fruits, and healthy foods.
Another way to maintain a healthy diet is by understanding macros and calories. Macros is short for macronutrients which are three categories of the food we consume (proteins, fats, and carbs). Tracking protein, fats, and carbs will make it easier to understand the numeric amount of calories being consumed in a day. Tracking these numbers can help when trying to lose weight in a calorie deficit or gain weight in a calorie surplus.
Drinking a lot of water daily will help your body work smoother. It is advised to drink anywhere between 3 quarts to a gallon of water a day. It may seem like a lot, but once you spread it out over a full day of tasks and activities and exercising, it'll feel a lot more doable. |