Presentations / Public Comments
- Parks and Recreation Manager Debbie Huffman announced a grant of $10,000 awarded to the City of SPI for Christmas events.
South Padre Island's Economic Development Corporation Executive Director, Darla Lapeyre, announced the EDC will host the 2023 State of the Island Address at the Isla Grand on April 12 at 11:30 a.m. Lapeyre told the Council 22 of the 35 tables were already reserved. Profits after expenses will go towards more Sand Dollars for Success grants for the community.
Lapeyre announced the 2022 Sand Dollars for Success grants went to Nautico (Former Cap' n' Roy’s Restaurant) and Quinn Gallery.
Regular Agenda
What happened
A motion to approve the draft of chapter one of the City's budget code ordinances as recommended by the Adhoc committee.
Motion passed.
Why it matters
According to City Attorney Edmund Cyganiewicz, the City's ordinances have not changed since they were enacted. The plan is to continue after chapters one and two and amend two chapters every month. Director of Operations Wendi Delgado thanked the Adhoc committee for their help.
Adhoc Committee Members:
- Doyle Wells,
- Roberto Ruiz,
- Gabby Vanounou,
Alita Bagley,
- Jeff Erickson,
- Miguel Torres, and
- Scott Finney.
What now
The City plans to continue to amend two chapters every month and simplify the language. All changes are attached to the City Council agenda, usually posted a week prior.
What happened
A motion to approve the draft of chapter two of the City's budget code ordinances as recommended by the Adhoc committee.
Why it matters
According to Mayor Patrick McNulty, the fee schedule readjusts every year. According to the amended fees, the Short-Term Rental Registration fee is now ($50).
What happened
A motion was made to approve authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Valley View Consulting LLC.
Motion passed.
Why it matters
The City's primary investment goal, a part of the Comprehensive Plan, is to comply with the Public Fund Investment Act. SPI Staff recommended Valley View Consulting LLC, and the company proposed the lowest bid.
What happened
A motion to schedule a City Council meeting regarding City Projects on or around January 10-11, 2023.
Motion passed.
Why it matters
The City Council plans to strategize city planning and appoint Council members to chair the projects.
Mentioned Projects:
- Laguna Blvd Reconstruction Project,
- Wind and Water Sports Park,
- Boat ramp,
- Convention Center Expansion,
- Side Street Improvements,
- Adhoc Ordinances,
CMP Access improvements,
- Dog park,
- Pickleball courts,
- Tompkins's channel,
- Tompkins Park,
- The Marina Project,
- Light Improvements on Padre Boulevard, and the
Second Causeway.
What now
The Council agreed to schedule a meeting concerning City projects for January 10 at 1 p.m.
The next regular City Council meeting will be on January 4, 2023.