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Weight Training Introduction
We have talked about how to train your body outside on the Island. Now let’s talk about working out in a gym. Over three articles, I will go over the different types of resistance training equipment you would find in a standard gym and how to utilize the equipment to get the best results.
Most gyms will be set up in different areas. A good place for beginners to start would be using selectorized machines. These machines are made with weight stacked on the side of the machine and a pin to change the weight. When choosing your weight, you will always lift the amount of weight that is above the pin. Each machine will have a target muscle group and a set range of motion to follow to work out the targeted muscles. This is a great introduction to the gym because it will show you the range of motion and the way you are supposed to move to work out that muscle group. This is also beneficial for beginners because it is very user friendly. The instructions on how to use the machine will always be on the side of the machine. Most selectorized machines will mimic the same range of motion you would go through if you were doing the same workout with free weights.
Selectorized machines will be for a specific muscle or group of muscles. They are made so that you can only use the machine in a set motion. A good example would be a shoulder press. The shoulder press machine is set up so you can sit into the chair (that can be adjusted for height), and the only way to move the lever on the machine is up and back down. It is made like this so you can target the shoulder muscle without needing other muscles groups. It is also made like this with a set range of motion to avoid injury and to make it as simple as possible.
Selectorized machines are great for beginners and equally for people who workout in a gym regularly. Another great way to use these types of machines is by using them at the middle or end of your workout. A great example would be if you are working out your legs. You can start the workout with heavier motions like squatting with a barbell. This will require more energy and more muscle utilization along with using other muscles in the legs at the beginning of the workout. Once your legs begin to feel tired or fatigued, you can then go and use these selectorized machines to work them more. Using machines, when fatigued, will produce great results because your risk for injury is very low and because you are going through a set, and safe, range of motion. This order of working out will be a great way to train the muscle so that your lean muscle mass can slowly and gradually grow.
Next week I will be going over plate loaded machines and how they differ from selectorized machines.