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Working out in the Summer on SPI
It's finally summer once again on South Padre Island. That means that the summer heat is in full swing, and people will be enjoying all that South Padre has to offer until it's time to go back to school again. The three summer months are great for forming habits that can be maintained year-round. You can get into running or walking every day in the morning once you wake up or in the evening as the sun goes down. You can get into the daily routine of walking out onto the beach and swimming in the beautiful ocean. You can do daily stretching or meditation to begin your workdays. The possibilities are endless, and it all depends on what habits you want to form while enjoying the most beautiful season SPI offers.
One of the more accessible activities on the island is going for a walk or jogging on the beach. Essentially any day of the year, weather permitting, you can walk. You should be able to take a wonderful stroll by the water and all the beautiful condos while you see your fellow walkers and joggers buzz past you. It’s a great way to socialize, see the island’s beauty, and appreciate it in person instead of through pictures on Facebook. The best time to walk would be early morning as the sun rises and towards the end of the day when the sun goes down. The more into the day you walk, the hotter it will get. Making walking or running in the morning as the sun rises and towards the end of the day when the sun goes down the best time to go.
Another fun way to get your daily workout is to have fun in the waves! You can buy a boogie board and catch waves for hours. If you are a little more advanced, you can invest in a surfboard and try catching some waves in Isla Blanca Park, where most people will go surfing right next to the jetties. You can also enjoy relatively calmer options and paddle boarding in the bay. SPI Sessions and water sports or bayside water rentals have everything you would need to enjoy some hours out on the bay if you would rather rent.
Another great activity to do every day would be riding your bike. SPI has many places to ride your bike to get around the island. You can also ride your bike down the beach along the waves. This is also an excellent activity to do in the morning or afternoon.
All the above activities can be great ways to exercise throughout the summer. Whenever doing any physical exercise, whether on South Padre Island or not, always make sure to stay hydrated. If you enjoy some fun in the sun this summer on SPI, having water or a drink with electrolytes is always best because the summer sun on the island can be unforgiving. Cold water with hydration packs like Liquid IV or Prime is a great way to turn your water into a yummy drink that matches the vibe of the crashing waves while you work out.