July General Membership meeting 7/14/23 Minutes
In attendance: Jackie Perrydore, Mike Walker, Joe Bartley, Elaine Salter, Sharon Hassett, Mike Lawrence, Dino Bruce, Kim Dold, Natalie Thurmond, Sue Bellows, Claudia Bellew, Krisa Talamanter & Alix Mercell ~ Garden City Family Dental
Call to order 9:04am
Welcome New members:
Garden City Family Dental
7110 Venoy, Garden City MI
Motion to approve Minutes from June - First, Claudia Bellew, Natalie Thurmond second. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Beginning balance $12654.48, earnings $1258.00, expenses $2438.50 ending balance $11473.98
Insurance payment is going out soon, as well as our 2nd band payment, so there will be more expenses than usual next month.
Bank records are always open to any member that wishes to see them. Please see Joe Bartley and he will gladly produce copies.
Music in the Park next Thursday July 20
Tipton Academy, Gordon Chevrolet, Don Nicholson Enterprises, Straight Farmhouse, Precision Family Dental, Public Service Credit Union, Liberty Tax, Garden City Mini Golf, Hope Christian Academy, J&J Taxes & More, Garden City DDA, City of Garden City Council & Mayor.
We are still accepting vendors for July & August MITP
Jackie mentioned Chief Gibbons’ family emergency. Contact the GCPD if you would like information on how to help.
Ongoing business:
As of September 1, dues will go up to $50. If you renew earlier, it will remain at $35.00
October - we are working on a food drive that we will hold instead of Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat has officially been retired for the GCBA due to the number of events available and the amount of work required to hold the event.
The Food Pantry will offer a couple volunteers for our food drive. We collected a little over $50 in cash donations at our last MITP, and will continue to collect food and funds at our next 2 MITP events for anyone that wants to donate.
The Home Pantry is currently low on personal hygiene items - toothpaste, tooth brushes, lotions, soap, etc.
September evening meeting. We are trying to have at least 2 meetings per year for those who can’t make our morning meetings.
Thursday Sept 7 at Radcliff 5:30 - 7:30. Tentative speaker will be the Resource Officer at GCPD. General public is also invited to hear about business and personal safety.
MITP this month is The Weekend Comeback. They play oldies, Motown, etc. Music starts at 6
Claudia - Vendor show. We need volunteers to help setup for the vendor show and MITP - Setup, moving barriers, putting up signs, etc. Setup starts at 3:00 pm
Still taking vendor applications. All local GC Service organizations are invited to have a space at no charge.
Natalie - Shaklee ambassador. Non profit groups are invited to partner with Shaklee to earn additional income.
Joe - Please check your spam emails for our Newsletter sent out usually Monday or Tuesday prior to our Friday meeting.
Businesses are encouraged to advertise in the Senior Echo, which is sent to all local seniors. A business card size ad is only $75 annually. The publications goes out bi-monthly.
Contact Danielle at the Radcliff Center for more info.
September meeting will be promoted on Facebook on our page as well as all the local GC pages.
Kim also suggested we partner with the DDA to see if we can offer seminars for our members.
Krista & Alix for GC Family Dentistry offers payment plans.
Next meeting August 11 9:00 am
Adjourn 9:27 am