October General Membership Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2023
In attendance: Jackie Perrydore, Joe Bartley, Elaine Salter, Mike Lawrence, Dino Bruce, Sue Bellows, Shay Stewart, Claudia Bellew, Alix Merrell, Mike Walker, Natalie Thurmond
Call to order 9:07 am
Thank you for all that have renewed their membership.
Approval of August minutes: Sue Bellows first, Mike Lawrence second.
Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s report:
Beginning balance $7453.08
Income $140.00
Expenses $71.94
Ending $7521.14
Questions or concerns? Joe will open the books to anyone that wants to see them.
Treasurer reports approved.
Presidents report:
Grand openings - GC Nutrition had a re-launch, Grand opening for Michigan Academy Gymnastics on Middlebelt, Nova Cafe, coffees, lattes, pastries, etc. On Ford Road
September meeting was a success. Sarg Daniels gave a great presentation.
Ads - The Parks and Rec Rec Connect is delivered to all residents twice a year. We purchased an ad in the paper, which included a backer board at the ice arena and a banner at the ball fields. The spring paper will include information about music in the park.
Food drive: GCHS 10/21 11:00 - 3:00. Bizzbee and the tooth from GC Family Dentistry will be on hand. Any GCBA member that wants to participate, or have their own food drive, please let us know and we will pick up and deliver the food for you. Please contact Jackie if you want someone to pick up your donations.
The Garden City Our Home Pantry serves GC residents only.
We will be participating in the Santa Land parade which is Saturday Nov 25. The parade route is from the High school to Ford & Central. If any member has a trailer we could borrow for the parade, please let us know. This year’s theme is Red White & Jingle Bells.
We are in the process of purchasing for the GCBA a photo booth for the parade that will also be used at Music in the Park. It will include our logo and website.
Reminder that the GCBA is no longer doing the Trunk or Treat, but at least 2 of our members are doing them. GC Nutrition is doing one on Oct 28 behind their business in the back parking lot. Hope Christian in Westland is also doing one.
Elections: We are taking nominations for President, Treasurer, and the 1 year & 3 year Trustees.
Nominations taken up to the end of October. Nominees will be announced at the November meeting. Each candidate will be allowed to speak on their own behalf at the November meeting.
Please submit your nominations to either Mike Walker, Elaine Salter, or Kim Dold.
Commitment for a board member, attend all General Membership meetings if possible, and all board meetings. We typically meet the Sunday before the general membership.
Voting will run until the end of November, and the results will be announced at the December meeting.
Member spotlight:
Sue Bellows - Her organization is hosting a food drive and will volunteering
GC Family dentistry is doing a haunted office. The office offers a safe place for people with anxiety towards dental visits.
Dino Bruce - Kroll Construction will be at the Chili Cookoff this weekend and will be raffling off a TV. He also introduced us to his associate, Shay Stewart.
Natalie - Shaklee is offering immune boosters on special, and she will begin having in-home presentations.
Joe Bartley - J & J Taxes & More, would like to encourage all our members to get involved in events with the city - not only GCBA events, but all of them. Make your presence known to the community - it will improve your business.
Natalie suggested we also include more vendor shows.
Annual enrollment is opening up for Medicare - please see Mike Walker if you are in need of help with health insurance and Medicare.
Thank you for coming - hope to see you all at the food drive and/or the Santa Land Parade.
Adjourn: 9:39 am