November General Membership Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2023
In attendance: Natalie Thurmond, Mike Lawrence, Sharon Hassett, Mike Walker, Jackie Perrydore, Joe Bartley, Dawn Parker, Krista Talamantez, Elaine Salter, Claudia Bellew
Call to order: 9:04 am
Welcome new members and repeat attendees
Approval of October Minutes: Sharon Hasset 1st, Natalie Thurmond 2nd
So moved
Treasurer’s report
Beginning balance $7521.14
Income $395.01
Expenses $595.20
Total $7320.95
Any questions or concerns, please reach out to any board member and we will open our books to you. No objections, treasurer's report to be filed.
Food drive - it was successful, chilly. We collected a full truckload of food plus about $200 in cash and gift cards. The winner of the challenge brought forward was the PLYMOUTH CANTON AAUW.
Sharon read a thank you card from Our HOME Pantry for all the donations.
G.C. Community Care Pharmacy was trying to do a food drive but logistics were not working. The family that started the Elmwood Blessing Box is going to work in concert with the pharmacy to do a food drive. More information to come, but it should be held before Thanksgiving. We will help them advertise.
Santaland parade: We will be in the parade this year. We have a new pop up photo booth item that looks like a VW Beetle dressed as a bee that should be completed by the parade deadline.
We looked into why we can no longer throw candy, and found it is a state law, so we can’t throw candy. Anyone that wants to ride in the trailer is welcome.
Mike - Elections: Nominees are in, voting will begin today at 10:00am. Mike will send an email blast today with the link for voting. If you would prefer to use a paper ballot, please let one of us know and we will get to you.
Nominees - Jackie Perrydore for President, Joe Bartley for Treasurer, Claudia Bellew, Sharon Hassett, and Lisa Clark for trustee.
Jackie and Joe want to thank you for your continued trust in them, and they appreciate the nomination.
Claudia appreciates the nomination as well and mentioned that their business has definitely benefited from being members
Sharon thanks the members for continuing the GCBA and keeping it going
We are still working on promotions for our members. We encourage all members to keep their profiles current on our website. We are doing everything in our power to get more people to go to that website.
Anyone that has flyers or promotions, please send them to a GCBA board member and we will be happy to post it on our Facebook page.
Newer members - if you have not submitted a request to join our members only page, please do so you can promote yourselves on our page. Also if you send them to us we will include them on our newsletter.
December meeting: December 8 at 9:00, we will serve continental breakfast and have time for networking. We would love for as many as possible to attend.
Member spotlight:
American Association of University Women - Dawn Parker
52nd annual children's play will be Cinderella in February at GC High School. Proceeds are used for scholarships.
Natalie - approaching winter, so Shaklee is promoting gut health with supplements
Mike W - it is annual enrollment time for Medicare, please come see him if you have questions about their plans or are unhappy with your current plan. It is also open enrollment for regular health plans, and he has many options available. He also has access to dental vision and hearing supplemental plans.
Claudia - Most insurance renews in January, so now is the time to use the benefits you have available and make appointments with your providers. GC Dental now has 2 full time Dentists.
GC Presbyterian church has their annual Turkey dinner tonight.
Straight Farmhouse is going to have the Dickens Christmas show soon. This is their final season. Please go to the Straight Farmhouse Facebook page to purchase tickets.
Public Service Credit Union is now accepting your city tax bills and water bills. They must be current bills, they can’t accept past due notices.
Veterans day is tomorrow, please thank all veterans for their service.
Joe Bartley - In 2 weeks it’s Thanksgiving - please be safe and consider what you’re thankful for. He wants to thank our board for all the work we do to make the GCBA successful. He said the GCBA has helped his business so much and wants to encourage everyone else to get involved.
Adjourn 9:34 am