Sponsored Content How often are you exercising? What type of activities do you do to exercise? The American College of Sports Medicine published guidelines for the amount and types of exercise suggested for an adult whose goal is to improve physical fitness and health. The recommendations state adults should engage in: - Cardiorespiratory exercise for durations longer than 30 minutes.
- Exercise 5 days per week.
A total of at least 150 minutes per week at “moderate to high intensity.
- Some kind of resistance training that incorporates the use of all major muscle groups two to three days per week.
Neuromuscular exercise designed to improve the factors of balance, agility, and coordination. This kind of training is referred to as functional training.
- Activities that promote flexibility and range of motion within joints for all major muscle / tendon areas within the body. Each area should be worked for 60 seconds two or more days per week.
How does your own physical fitness activities match up to these recommendations?
If you have any questions reach out to me at cwhite@spislandfitness.com. |