Friday, December 13, 2024
Call to Order: 9:02 am by Jackie Perrydore, President
Attendance: Jackie P., Mike W., Joe B., Sharon, Lisa C., Sue B., Don N., Dawn P., Cathy & Dave, Kelly F., Elaine F.
Natalie T., Jeff Dold, Antoinette P. & Facebook attendees Mike L., Elaine S., Mike L., Raj.
New Members: American House Westland Venoy, Essence Events and Schoolcraft College.
Minutes: November meeting minutes were approved by Don & Sue with a correction of Don’s profile.
Financial Report: Joe reported November expense report. Filed as reported.
President’s Report:
* The GCBA participated in the Santaland parade which was very cold & resulted in less spectators.
* A full-page ad was purchased in the Goodfellow paper recognizing every GCBA member.
* Attended rebranding of Clark Center for Comprehensive Medicine offering upscale services.
* Attended grand opening of Essence Events offering a banquet facility with 150 capacity and a
commercial kitchen.
* A president’s committee has been created for non-profits to work together, schedule dates of
events, avoid overlaps and create a public access calendar.
Ongoing Business:
* Election results have been tabulated for the 2025 calendar year with Mike Walker-Vice President,
Elaine Salter-Secretary, Lisa Clark-2 year Trustee, Sue Bellows-1 year Trustee. Membership
encouraged to always vote to voice your rights.
* Music in the Park dates 6/19 with Sinjon Smith, 7/17 with Magic Bus, and 8/21 with confirmation
coming. Sponsorship forms are being updated to simplify, offer more options and possibly be put on-
line. Food vendors are being obtained. Additional parking and shuttle service have been discussed.
Fun merchandise is being suggested to make Magic Bus a fun interactive experience.
Elaine F. – Bookkeeping made simple for small business
Don – Marketplace, tomorrow Santa will be at Westland Historic Village
Jeff – Gas station at Ford/Inkster being updated & Orin building plans are to renovate
Lisa-Real Estate and Auto’s for Autism
Sue/Dawn - P/C AAUW, Beauty and the Beast show Feb. 6,7 & 8 at O’Leary Auditorium
Kelly – Eagle Works, lathe & wood work artists
Cathy/Dave- Rotary adopted a family for Christmas
Antoinette- Essence Events banquet rental, enjoyed our participation at grand opening
Natlie– Shaklee ambassador, having a zoom presentation on healthy living & Christmas show @ church
Sharon – Santa exhibit at Farmhouse, open Wed. & Sat. from 12-3pm
Joe - J & J Taxes, be aware of scams, do not open unknown emails, watch for new business tutorials.
Mike W. – Liberty Tax, has loans available
Jackie – National Realty Centers broker
Motion to adjourn at 9:49 am.
Next meeting will be January 10, 2025 at 9:00 am at the Straight Farmhouse
Respectively Submitted, Sharon Hassett, acting Secretary