Message From The President:
All members will be receiving a letter very soon with information about the year ahead, renewal information and ways you can help make this year a success. Please take time to read this important letter & let us know if for some reason you do not receive it. In this letter you will find everything you need to know about renewing your membership (if you haven't already done so) & it contains the important dates for the rest of the year.
We try to keep you informed with 2 membership-wide mailings per year--a letter at the beginning of the year and our member postcard later in the year with details about the annual meeting. The remainder of member communication is done through email, this newsletter and social media. We know that you receive a lot of emails....we do too...which is why we try to keep things brief and we try to send no more than 2 membership-wide emails per month when possible. A great many of these go unread. Help us to help you stay informed by taking a look at these emails.
We would like to challenge each member to share about our upcoming enrollment events and reach out to other women around them so we can broaden our impact this year and hopefully give more than 5 grants to local non profit organizations. Share the registration link or screenshot the following graphics and help us spread the word! If you would like to host a “pop-up” event in your area, please also reach out to our membership team. You are also invited to share the names and addresses of ladies you'd like us to send a letter to, on your behalf inviting them to learn about our organization. You can reply to this email with those names and addresses.
Your membership matters and we need each of you. Our chapter has given $4.9 million dollars - one member - $1,000 at a time. Each and every member gets to design her own experience, has a seat at our table and is part of the positive force for good in our community. We couldn't do it without you.
Joni Wallace