Jaycee Juice - March 2019 March GMM - What you missed! The March general membership meeting (GMM) was held at Delhi Cafe on 3/19/19. We reviewed lots of exciting upcoming events, received updates from the Easter Egg Hunt committee, and welcomed guests from New World Flood and CASA for Kids, Inc. of Barry, Eaton, and Ingham County.
CASA (Court Appointment Special Advocate) trains CASA volunteers to provide support and advocacy to children of all ages who are under court jurisdiction due to abuse and/or neglect. CASAs are appointed to a case by a judge and are required to have contact with the child at least once every week, often making them the most consistent presence in the child's life. A CASAs role is to be the voice of the child by sharing their wishes with the judge and advocating for their best interests.The work CASA does is so important in our community, and we look forward to finding ways to partner in the future. In addition to becoming a CASA volunteer, which is a big commitment, CASA also seeks volunteers for their annual events and fundraisers.
New World Flood, an organization that promotes education and volunteerism, has chosen to spotlight JCI Lansing and the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt this month. Be sure to follow them on social media!
![]() Easter Egg Deliveries Available through April 7th! Love snowman army during the winter season? Now join JCI Lansing in the fun of being an Easter Bunny! We are now accepting orders to have our team of bunnies deliver candy and toy filled eggs to a home of your choice on April 20th, 2019. Children will wake up on Easter to a surprise hunt on their lawns. 50 pre-stuffed eggs for $25 or 100 pre-stuffed eggs for $50. Eggs will come with a delivery notice and be distributed in the front lawn for children over 3 unless otherwise noted by requester. For deliveries to children under 3, the eggs will be placed on the front porch.This is a fundraiser for JCI Lansing to continue supporting the community through projects year-round. Registration ends on April 7, 2019. Place your order here!
Join us at Blaze Pizza in Frandor to help support Easter Egg Hunt! ![]()
Member Spotlight - Joe Kelly Where do you work/live? I am a student right now. I live off of exit 5 on 496. How long have you been a Jaycee? I was a Jaycee for about 5 years and even served on the board as a VP of Individual Events, but I let my membership lapse. I'm back now! What is your most memorable Jaycee moment? On the way up to the Delta County Duck Races, we put on a Youtube video of a duck singing about grapes. It is something that I still reference because the video is so absurd. Favorite Jaycee project The Jaycee project I'm most passionate about is the debate tournament. We ran a couple years ago, and I'd like to get us ready to host another. Tell us about your family. I have a daughter, Miriam, who is four. What are the top three highlights of your life? The birth of my daughter. My graduation from Aquinas. And the one time that I danced so hard for St. Patrick's day that I was sore for the next couple weeks. What is your favorite board or card game? We live in Michigan, so I feel like I have to say Euchre, even though I'm only okay at it. What are you looking forward to in the next year? I will graduate from grad school - something that has been a long way coming. What song always puts you in a good mood? Lady Gaga - Bad Romance. It reminds me of dancing with my friends. What if your favorite place or vacation spot? My favorite place locally is Hawk Meadow park in Lansing. I often see deer when I go there. Right next door is a bird sanctuary, so that's a good time to walk there as well. What advice do you wish you were told your first day as a Jaycee? If you stick with it long enough, there's like a 95% chance that you'll serve on the board.
![]() Sponsors and Volunteers Needed! We are seeking business partners for our upcoming Easter Egg Hunt on the Capitol Lawn! There are many opportunities to partner, including donating a raffle item or sponsorship. Let us know if you need more information.
Keep your eyes open for a volunteer sign-up link! We will need all the help we can get to make this year's hunt another great success!
Looking Ahead 3/23/19 : Volunteer Opportunity: Mock Trial Tournament, Veteran's Memorial Courthouse, 8am-5pm 3/23/19 : Volunteer Opportunity: Run for the House - Ronald McDonald House, 8am-12pm 4/2/19 : BOD Meeting, Holt Community Center, 6-8pm 4/4/-4/7/19 : JCI USA Year-end Conference, Indianapolis 4/9/19: Fundraising Night for EEH, Blaze Pizza Frandor, 5-9pm 4/16/19: April GMM, Nuthouse, 6pm social, 6:30 meeting 4/20/19: Easter Egg Hunt, Capitol Lawn 4/24/19: Ele's Place Dinner Party, Ele's Place, 6-7:30pm 4/26-4/29/19: Conference of the Mid-Americas, Minneapolis 5/3-5/5/19: JCI MI Spring Leadership Conference, Boyne Mountain 5/18/19: World Expo of Beer, Frankemuth
jcilansing.org | info@jcilansing.org | P. O. Box 16150 Lansing, MI 48901