Editor's Corner Heather Rosinbum Assistant Director, Eligibility & Awarding University of Arizona WASFAA Communications Chair
Well folks, we finally made it to the near end of 2020. While this year has proven to be incredibly challenging for various reasons (i.e. online kindergarten), I think we have all learned a lot and have proven to ourselves, our students and our profession just how wonderfully adaptable we can be. Please take time to review some exciting updates from our volunteer chair, updates from two of our regions, and MLI scholarship recipient articles. We will be taking off the month of January and look forward to "seeing" you with a new edition of this newsletter in February. Don't forget that you may also view all these articles on our website within the News Archive found here. If you have any information you would like to share with membership or have questions, do not hesitate to reach out at communications@wasfaa.org. A Message from our President
Anthony Morrone Director of Financial Aid Nevada State College In the final edition of the newsletter this year, I’d like to acknowledge all that we’ve been through as a profession in 2020. The pandemic brought an unprecedented disruption to our daily lives, which has fundamentally changed the way we live, work and learn. Beyond the personal stories of loss that many of us can share, we have also been called on to be there for the families we serve. As those who assist students in obtaining financial assistance, we will be seeing the economic consequences of these past months for years to come. Let's Make a Difference...Together! Volunteer opportunities are now available with the Western Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (WASFAA). As chair of the Volunteer Development Committee, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our WASFAA members and future members in the Western region. MLI Scholarship Article Please enjoy the following article submissions from two of our 2020 Management and Leadership Institute Scholarship Recipients. Job Postings Looking for a new position, or want to inspire a friend to become the newest member of the WASFAA family?