Remembering Russel Judah: Legacy on the Island Russell Judah was a petroleum engineer who served in the Philippines, Japan, and Korea while in the Navy. “In 1990, Russell and his wife Jackie moved to South Padre Island and became very involved in the community,” stated former Councilwoman Alita Bagley. “Russell served on numerous city and county committees, including the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Cameron County Appraisal Board.”
After retiring as a lieutenant commander in the Naval Reserves, added Bagley, “Russell continued his love of the sea as a lifelong power boater, and with active involvement in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, and the U.S. Power Squadron, serving in many leadership positions and teaching countless boating safety classes.”
Bagley noted that as her time as a council member, “I got to know Russell very well.” Judah was known for his dedication to City meetings and speaking for the public good. “He always kept abreast of the issues and get up to speak. He would have pages of notes and always seemed a little nervous when he would speak, and the council would get a little nervous when he would speak,” said Bagley.
Bagley explained that, “Russell would either point out something about an issue that we overlooked or maybe felt we were not taking the right action. We always listened when Russell spoke, because ten times out of ten he was correct.”
Judah also attended chamber meetings, because it was important to him to keep up with things going on in his community. Bagley remembers a time she was nervous when Judah came to speak to her in her office, only to let her know he thought she was doing a great job while serving on the City Council. “And I can tell you,” said Bagley, “no compliment meant more to me than one coming from Mr. Judah. Our community is a better place because of Russell.”