The Islander: Deanna Powell, New ABI Director Deanna Powell replaced Alexa Ray as the Program Director at the Art Business Incubator. Powell, born and raised in Dallas, with a degree from Texas A&M University College Station in Communications and two minors in Art and Creative Studies.
Coming from Dallas, Powell is new to area and excited about island culture. "It's so different in all the right ways."
This position for Powell includes all behind-the-scenes operations to keep up with the day-to-day functions of the ABI. "Whether it's working logistics for events or making sure the finances add up every single month, just keeping the general operations of the gallery running. Also making sure that artists are supported with any supplies or any resources they need, and just in general outside marketing as well."
Echoing the goal of the artists here at the ABI, Powell explained, "The artists are here as residents. They spend a year here. The goal for the artist is not only to come out of this year-long program with a heavy deep dive into their art, but to also come out as business owners."
Powell’s vision for the future is for SPI become an art capital of Texas. "The dream for them is to go out onto the island and be able to run and operate their own businesses, because the vision is to make South Padre Island an art destination."
"I want this to be the art residency of Texas. I want this program to be so supportive of its artists that it attracts artists from all over the nation, which it already has! This year’s class are from Minnesota, Michigan, Colorado, and the RGV. This speaks to this program so far. Give huge credit to Alexa Ray, who's brought the ABI to where it is now," said Powell.
Other than creating business education for the artists, the program gives opportunities for the artists to redefine their art and collaborate. “The residency is for art-related entrepreneurs. In this program they not only learn and apply business principles through education and hands-on experience, but they also refine and expand their artistry. They learn what sells and collaborate with the other artists,” says Powell. "I'm excited to be a part of the Art Business Incubator, but I am truly here as somebody who is meant to help elevate the artists. It's the artists that are here that I want the community to know, love, and cherish. Art can be the voice of a town and a city. What the artists are creating here is an amazing statement for the island. If everybody can come out and get to know all six artist residents this year, that would be my dream come true."