Fall 2021 Newsletter
After several virtual meetings, IWWSG's Steering Committee was able to meet in July for an in-person outdoor meeting at Irish Times in Brookfield to handle routine business matters and firm up tentative membership meeting plans for 2021-2022.
Chicago Portage National Historic Site-September Meeting Highlights After 18 months of meeting virtually, IWWSG's Membership shook off COVID blues and successfully kicked off the 2021-2022 season on September 15 with an IN-PERSON tour/dinner!! As we followed the steps of Marquette & Joliet, tour guide Gary Mechanic, Friends of the Chicago Portage, provided an interesting and informative presentation and tour of the Chicago Portage National Historic Site in Forest View. All photos courtesy of Ted Denning.
IWWSG has a new board member, Preet Mittal who joined us in September. Preet is an Environmental Specialist with the MWRDGC. We are happy to have her as part of the Steering Committee. Please join us in welcoming her, her contact information is in the attached membership form. Preet’s photo is in the group shot below (the fourth from the left).
Dinner and E. Ted Erickson DEP Award Presentation at Salerno's
Following the tour, attendees met at nearby Salerno's in Hodgkins for networking and a delicious salad/pasta & meatballs/pizza/dessert dinner enjoyed on their outside patio.
After dinner, IWWSG's pandemic-delayed "E.Ted Erickson Distinguished Environmental Professional" awards for 2020 & 2021 were presented to recipients John Polich of Gabriel Environmental (2020) (presented by Judy Freeman) and Jeffrey Chou of Mars Wrigley (2021) (presented by Barb Scapardine). Unfortunately, Thomas Kunetz of the MWRD (2020 co-recipient) was unable to be in attendance. Jim Harrington, co-recipient of the award when it was initiated in 2000, was in attendance with his wife, Roseanne. Mark you calendars now for IWWSG's next meeting, a virtual meeting which will be November 17, 2021 with Jennifer Wasik from MWRD. We hope to "see" you then... We hope you enjoyed this newsletter and will look forward to hearing more from IWWSG. Please consider paying your membership dues today.
If you still owe Membership Dues, you will see a "JOIN HERE" link at the top and bottom of the page. Attached is a membership form if you prefer to pay by check.