Island Matters City Council Report Announcements:
(Photo: Build up of sand on access 20)
What happened: A motion to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement for the Laguna Boulevard Street and Drainage Improvement Project to the lowest qualified bidder.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Public Works Director Alex Sanchez announced out of the five bidders, the lowest bidder was Clore Equipment. Clore's bid is $4,295,163.48 with a base bid of $3,654,006.24.
What now: According to Sanchez, the expected start date would be less than a month after there's a contract.
What happened: A motion to approve Alternate Bid No. 1 to be included in the Laguna Boulevard Street and Drainage Improvement Project.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Sanchez says that in his opinion, there would be no issues buying the materials and having the public works department do the work in-house. If city staff does the job, Sanchez says there's a savings of $382,000.
What happened: A motion to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with the low bidder for the rental and service of restrooms.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Boburka explained this is an administrative task and the lowest bidder was A Clean Portico. The Shoreline department currently works with A Clean Portico and the pricing will remain the same. They plan to extend the contract for another four years.
What now: A Clean Portico will continue daily services the restrooms of the beach accesses.
5.5) - 5.56)
What happened: A motion to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement for the executive search for a CVB director.
Motion passed.
A motion for a budget amendment of $48,000 associated with the search for a new CVB Director.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Currently, the SPI is operating without a CVB Director due to the resignation of Ed Caum.
What now: Councilman Joseph Ricco added it's in South Padre Island's best interest to have an executive search as it's what drives SPI's economy. "That position is one of the most important positions on the Island."
5.7 (A)
What happened: A motion to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $99,166.77 from hotel occupancy tax (HOT) excess reserves fund to allocate the amended CVB staff incentive payment for FY 2020 –2021.
Motion died for a lack of a second.
No other motion followed.
Why it matters: After a lengthy discussion in a CVAB meeting on November 18, City Manager Randy Smith expressed his concerns about giving an incentive payment to CVB staff with tax money and recommended the Build Back Better plan. During the November meeting, Sean Till, CVAB Chair, announced it would be double the highest payout ever given. Former CVB Director Ed Caum interjected in defense of his staff and replied that the city is a team. "There should not be a separation between city colleagues."
During this past council meeting, city manager Randy Smith clarified that the CVB staff became increasingly uncomfortable with the subject. "I know that the CVB staff has been very uncomfortable with this subject matter and having to bring this forward as if they created it."
5.7 (B)
What happened: A motion to eliminate the current CVB incentive bonus policy employee handbook policy 500.24 approved by City Council on August 3, 2016 and discussed creating a new CVB staff policy for the future years passed. In addition, the motion included directing the CVB to propose a new plan based on convention center usage and new group sales.
Why it matters: Mayor McNulty said he felt inclined to eliminate the current policy and direct the CVB to propose a staff and center policy based on convention center usage versus total taxes.
What now: The city council plans to have a special meeting before the end of the year as the policy payout has a time frame for the end of the year.
What happened: Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute the Memorandum of Understanding between the Texas Music Office, within the Governor's Office and the City of South Padre Island for maintenance of the Texas music industry.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: South Padre Island has been working to become a music and art destination.
What now: McNulty requested the start of the Film Industry alongside the Texas Music Industry.
What happened: A motion to extend the City's Declaration of a Local State of Disaster due to COVID- 19 virus epidemic to 11:59 PM on Friday, January 21, 2022.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: South Padre Island files its paperwork following the State of Texas.