Mayor Patrick McNulty announced a groundbreaking at the Cameron County-Port Isabel Airport, through TxDOT, for a $1.3 million grant to build 5 miles of fencing around the airport. McNulty also relayed the increasing interest in supporting a second causeway from TxDOT.
McNulty added a pre-construction meeting for Laguna Boulevard between the Laguna Madre District, Clore, and Public Works. “Hopefully, there will be a notice to proceed being sent out soon and will have a groundbreaking ceremony.”
The Environmental Health Director, Victor Baldovinos, invites everyone to participate in the I Love SPI campaign. “I hope our wonderful residents are in the loving spirit and love their island, their property, including their utility easement that is behind the property.” Baldovinos asks residents to bring their items to the front to the right of way where island partners with public services will haul them away. Participating individuals will get a custom-made I love SPI T-shirt.
Chamber President Alita Bagley thanked the city, Wendy Delgado (Director of Operations), and Lori Moore (CVB Interim Director) for the job fair on Wednesday morning. “I want to thank the city and the CVB for helping.” Bagley also announced the member showcase that will also be taking place in the SPI Convention Center on February 10 at 5:30 PM.
Presentation: Angelique “Nikki” Soto
Soto briefed the council on the paused Comprehensive Plan Project started in 2019. Due to changes in most staff, and the pandemic in 2020, Soto is glad to have the project back on course. Soto notified the council of their approval needed next month.
Open house for the Comprehensive Plan Project will be on February 28 from 4 PM to 7 PM to review the plan again. This comprehensive plan will go before City Council in May. "The purpose of the comprehensive plan is a living document that will help guide the future development of South Padre Island," says Soto.
Consent Agenda
The consent agenda approved $23,275 from the beach maintenance fund for portable restrooms.
Regular Agenda
6.1 Presentation
What happened: A motion to approve City Manager Randy Smith to execute a license agreement with the RGV Chapter Texas Master Naturalist at the SPI Convention Centre for $10,000.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Current president of the Rio Grande Valley Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist Roberto Gaitan, proposed a plan to enhance the ecosystem around the Convention Centre. Gaitan recommended the possibility of enhancement to complement the surrounding area with native plants.
Gaitan introduced after the enhancement to the area the city could apply to be designated as a monarch city. "This would be the only monarch city in the valley and the only one to exist on the longest barrier island in the world."
What now: The scouting process is said to begin this coming week, along with plans for an educational platform for the community, visitors, and everyone else.
What happened: A motion to Authorize the City Manager to enter an agreement with Planning Assistance to State Information for South Padre Island Flood Risk and Water Quality Agreement, and authorize the Mayor for the certificates.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Public Works Director, Alex Sanchez, told the council the agreement with the Army Corps is for a comprehensive drainage study. The estimate is $265,000, and a city contribution of $132,500. McNulty expressed his delight as this is a big step and appreciates the support from the Amy Corps of Engineers.
What happened: A motion to approve the budget amendment of $132,502 from the general fund to fund the Planning Assistant to State Planning Information for South Padre Island on Flood Risk and Water Quality Agreement.
What happened: A motion to approve a budget amendment to $24,800 from general fund excess reserves to synchronize the traffic signals along with PR 100 Padre Blvd. on the north side of the island.
Motion passed.
Why it matters: Kimley Horn's representative Tom Grant assured the council the synchronization would be ready by Spring Break. He also let the board know the company is aware of the Esperanza St. intersection, and the traffic will not have to wait on Esperanza St.