Calendar of Events

March 2023
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Events in the month of March 2023
CAAO Executive Board
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 – changed to Virtual Meeting due to impending weather
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 1605 0358
Passcode: 974826
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,84416050358#,,,,*974826# US
+19292056099,,84416050358#,,,,*974826# US (New York)

Call to Order 11:30 am
Roll Call
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
OPM Representative (Martin Heft &/or Jennifer Gauthier)
CT IAAO Chapter Report
CCMA Representative
Committee Reports (alpha order):
Old Business:

New Business:
➢Committee Procedure Manual Update

Here is the process to follow for this CAAO Executive Board Committee meeting:

1. Exec. Board Members: You are required to email Pam Deziel on or prior to the meeting registration deadline as to whether or not you will be attending the meeting.
2. All proxy assignments must be presented to the CAAO Secretary ( in original signed letter format 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting time.
3. Committee Chairs: You are requested to email Pam prior to each Executive Board meeting only if your committee will give a report. Please indicate who will give the report in your email. If you do not email Pam then she will assume that there will be no committee report.
4. In addition, please be sure to post your Committee meeting announcements on the CAAO Member calendar so we can try to attend. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me directly at 860-441-6665 or
Bylaws Committee meeting to review submissions of request for a bylaws change.
The end time is flexible but no later than 3:30pm.