Design-Build Institute of America Rocky Mountain Region

Calendar of Events

Event Type:

September 2022
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Events available for Registration...

Young Professionals: Shop Tour and Design-Build Panel
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Electrification: Colorado and Denver Impacts from the Trade Partner Perspective
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Northwater Treatment Plant - Denver Water
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Back to Basics: The Design-Builder's Guide to Design Management
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Annual Members Meeting and Sponsor Appreciation Breakfast
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Events in the month of September 2022
Thursday, September 8, 2022
After a couple of years' hiatus, our DBIA Rocky Mountain Region Owner’s Forum for Owners only is back!  The Forum offers an afternoon full of quality speakers presenting on a variety of Design-Build Done RightTM topics in a comfortable environment creating the opportunity for Owners to speak frankly with each other about interests and concerns around their projects.  Great food, a comfortable setting, and knowledgeable speakers have made the event very popular in years past, so you will want to register early!

12:30pm - 1:00pm - Registration and Lunch
1:00pm - 4:00pm - Owner's Forum 
  • A Data-Based Perspective – Why Design Build Works, Lessons Learned, and Delivering Integrated Teams
    • Speaker: Keith Molenaar, University of Colorado Boulder, DBIA Fellow  
  • A Legal Perspective - Considerations in Design-Build Contracting
    • Moderator: Sheila Sandoval, City of Broomfield
    • Panelists: Tracy Davis, Denver International Airport and Andrea Cole, Dominion Water & Sanitation District  
  • An Owner, Contractor, and Designer Perspectives – Decisions Made, Lessons Learned, and Successes on the GSA Building 48 Modernization Project
    • Moderator: Barbara Jackson LLC, DBIA Fellow
    • Panelists: Jason Sielcken, GSA; Brent Meisheid, Centerre Construction; Matt Bartels, Cannon Design
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Reception (Beverages provided)

DBIA RMR offers this event at a minimal cost of $20. This fee includes parking, lunch, and a hosted reception at one of the best venues in the metro area.  

Thank you to our exclusive sponsor, Swinerton, for making this event possible!


Region Sponsors