“Quo Vadis?” is a phrase from an apocryphal gospel, translated “Where are you going?” or “Whither goest thou?”. This piece was written in the uncertain early days of the Covid pandemic, when it was indeed a big question where everything was going. Correspondingly, the music has a contemplative, undetermined, searching feeling, never reaching a final conclusion, but ending in a chord that is static, yet unresolved. Performance notes: Occasional notes in parentheses are provided for those who are not quite comfortable playing in the higher registers, or as additional colors if there are more than one player to a part. The “light vibrato” and “no vibrato” instructions at rehearsal letter E apply to the Soprano and Alto parts only.
-- Victor Eijkhout
Play-the-Recorder Month and Play-the-Recorder Day grew out of a one-day worldwide event on April 1, 1989, during the 50th anniversary year of the American Recorder Society. Its success caused the ARS to declare an annual celebration starting with Play-the-Recorder Day on March 28, 1992. The single day was later expanded to monthlong activities plus a focus on one day, which have been observed each March since then.
This Play-the-Recorder-Month composition is made possible by a generous donation from Patsy Rogers, a composer, conductor, and recorder fanatic. She was conductor of the New York Recorder Orchestra for 9 years. Patsy sponsored the composition because she loves contemporary music and wishes to encourage expanded playing possibilities for groups of amateur players.
Many thanks to Emily O'Brien for recording all audio tracks and videos!
Audio-only Play-along tracks (one part missing): No soprano (you play soprano) No alto (you play alto) No tenor (you play tenor) No bass (you play bass)